Pushpendra Nath Misra

Ab Lag Gaya!
ITC’s Candyman introduced the ‘Nathkat Mango’ (Tangy Mango) flavour, and FCB Ulka created a humorous and energetic ad film to capture the tangy, mischievous side of the confectionery and its consumers. The child actor in the film embodied this playful spirit, naturally reflecting the naughtiness of his character, while the supporting actor, playing the uncle, added a further edge to the dynamic. Extensive casting in Mumbai and Delhi led to the perfect pairing for the ad.
The production required careful planning to work with the child’s energy levels, prioritising close-ups before moving to larger establishing shots. Director Pushpendra Nath Misra recalls this shoot as an example of knowing when to give actors space, especially with kids, where typical adult directing methods may not apply. The experience underscored the importance of building trust with young actors to achieve the best performances.